Alfalfa, a legume that has been cultivated for centuries, has become popular due its natural vitamins and antioxidants and their benefits for healthy hair.
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Alfalfa, a legume that has been cultivated for centuries, has become popular due its natural vitamins and antioxidants and their benefits for healthy hair.
Algae is one of the main starting points for omega 3 in the food chain and is the source of our Vegan Omega 3, vital for our heart, brain and eye health, and much more.
An anti-oxidant that is made naturally in our body, and found in foods such as beets, carrots and broccoli, ALA helps break down carbohydrates and produce energy.
AnaGain™, sourced from pea sprouts which are rich in phytonutrients, is clinically shown to rebalance the hair life cycle, supporting hair growth and fuller, thicker hair.
Apples contain pectin which is a unique type of dietary fibre. Pectin is a soluble fibre that supports healthy and normal blood cholesterol levels, and studies also show it can help manage blood glucose.
Apple Cider Vinegar has been traditionally used for centuries, and only recently studied and evaluated for potential benefits for digestive health, cholesterol, and blood sugar.
A natural and powerful anti-oxidant, Artichoke protects against free radicals, supporting digestion, the function of the intestinal tracts and detoxification of the liver.
Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb, which helps your body to deal with stressful situations, increase emotional resistance and improve relaxation.
Carotenoids - Lutein, Zeaxanthin, Meso-zeaxanthin and Astaxanthin - are found at the back of the eye, forming the macular pigment which is so important to protect for long-term vision.
BacoMind®, the patented form of Bacopa monnieri, is clinically proven to support memory recall, retention, and cognitive abilities in children and adults.
Silica is most often associated with the maintenance of healthy hair, skin and nails. It helps to promote hair strength and thickness as well as reduce hair thinning.
Beetroot provides a rich source of nutrients, including B vitamins, Vitamin C, minerals (including magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium), and proteins, and they’re an excellent source of dietary fibre.
Beta-carotene is a carotenoid that gives carrots their distinctive colour. Our body converts it into Vitamin A for a range of health benefits, particularly for our eyes.
Beta-sitosterol is a type of bio-active phytosterol that can naturally be found in plant cell membranes. Among the various plant sterols that exist, Beta-sitosterol is the main compound that is found in abundant amounts in plants.
Bifidobacterium is a family of friendly bacteria that live in our intestines and has the ability to break down complex carbohydrates in the gut. Bifidobacterium bifidum in particular is very popular for gut health and overall wellbeing.
Bifidobacterium digests the fibre you consume in your diet and acts to help prevent infections, and also produce other vital nutrients and vitamins in your body.
Bilberry is an antioxidant, supporting the retinal function, helping maintain eye health, and providing a natural defence against free radicals.
Black Pepper is not only a healthy addition to our food, studies show it can improve your body's absorption of turmeric and other nutrients by up to 2,000%.
Biotin, which is abundant in legumes, is a B Vitamin that helps the body make use of the energy from food, helping break down carbohydrates into energy.
Bitter melon is acclaimed for the support it provides to your glucose metabolism, helping reduce blood sugar levels.
Black Garlic is garlic that has been aged in a certain way, and this ageing process has been widely studied for its benefits for cardiovascular health and blood cholesterol.
Blueberries are rich in Vitamin C, antioxidants and dietary fibre. Blueberries are shown to help support healthy gut bacteria and with signs related to gastrointestinal disorders including IBS.
Boron is an important element found in fruits and vegetables. Although the body does not need much Boron, it is still important to consume sufficient amounts in your diet given the valuable role Boron plays in the health of joints and bones.
Bromelain is a mixture of enzymes that is found in the juice and fruit of pineapples, and has been used in traditional medicines for centuries.
Found throughout Europe and Asia and most famous for being the inspiration for velcro, on account of the clinging hooks on the burs, Burdock is a health powerhouse most commonly used as a digestive aid.
Lemon Balm is acclaimed for helping support relaxation and reducing irritability, tension and restlessness. It also helps aid digestion.
Calcium is crucial for strong bones and teeth. It is also vital for nerve transmission, blood clotting, muscle functions and helping your body digest food.
We all know carrots are good for us and this is because they're packed with nutrients, vitamins and antioxidants, that all work to benefit the health of your body.
Cayenne Pepper is not only a delicious ingredient for cooking, it is studied for a range of health benefits, including hair growth and blood circulation, due to its active ingredient 'capsaicin'.
For years Chamomile has been used as a natural remedy to treat poor sleep and is often regarded as a sleep inducer, thought to be due to the calming effects of apigenin, an antioxidant.
Chaste Tree (Agnus Castus) is a traditional herb used for signs of PMS including irritability, mood swings, breast tenderness and headaches.
Choline has a vital role in a number of functions in the body, from helping the body metabolise carbohydrates, proteins and fats into energy, to our brain and liver health.
Chromium is a trace mineral that is used by the body for the metabolism of carbohydrates. A healthy balance of Chromium helps the body control the levels of fat and cholesterol in the blood.
An acclaimed ingredient in Ayurvedic and Chinese remedies to help maintain healthy blood sugar levels, normal blood glucose levels and stimulating your appetite.
Found in almost every cell of the body, Co-Enzyme Q10 (CoQ-10) is a fat-soluble, enzyme that helps convert food into energy and is required in large amounts in the heart muscle.
Copper is an essential nutrient which our body doesn’t produce, so we need to gain it in our diet. It supports a range of functions from our nervous and immune systems to the healthy colour of our hair.
Cordyceps is acclaimed for increasing the body's resistance to fatigue and stress by stimulating the adrenal glands and modulating our nervous system.
Cranberries, are a powerful antioxidant containing 'flavonol polyphenols' and are widely studied for health benefits, particularly for vaginal health.
Dandelion Root supports the body's natural purification process, contributes to gastrointestinal wellbeing and helps protect against digestive discomfort.
Dong Quai has been extensively studied for helping regulate hormones and signs of menopause and PMS.
Fennel seed supports the elimination of digestive discomfort including bloating, excess gas, and gastrointestinal discomfort, and supporting a healthy digestive tract.
Fenugreek is a clover-like herb that helps maintain normal glucose levels and your insulin metabolism, and is a traditional remedy to maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
Folate is needed in the early weeks of pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects. This is because it is key in the synthesis of DNA and the replication of new cells.
Ginger roots are edible and used widely both as a spice in cooking and as a natural remedy. Ginger's active compounds are antioxidants and support healthy digestion and blood glucose.
Ginkgo is a powerful antioxidant acclaimed for helping protect the brain, promoting blood flow to the brain by enabling the blood vessels to open, and blood to become less sticky.
Panax Ginseng is acclaimed to help maintain good cognitive performance, support memory performance and contribute to normal blood circulation.
Grape Seed helps protect your body and skin's cells against free radicals, improving the health and appearance of your skin.
Green Tea is from the same plant as Earl Grey and English Breakfast tea, but hasn't undergone the withering and oxidation process, so it retains more health benefits, particularly as an antioxidant.
Griffonia Seeds, from the climbing plant, are a natural source of amino-acids that are necessary for our bodies to produce hormones, including serotonin.
Reishi mushroom, also known as 'Ganoderma Lucidum', belongs to the fungus kingdom and is native to China. Reishi is thought to support the body’s natural defences against pathogens such as bacteria and viruses.
Hops are well-known as the basis of beer production, and now increasingly known for their benefits for menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular conditions and mental health.
Horsetail is a fern that grows wild in Northern Europe and America. It was first used by ancient Greeks as a remedy for improving the appearance of hair due to its high levels of silica.
Found in almost all the cells in our body, Hyaluronic acid is fundamental to your skin's moisture and hydration, helping keep a young and youthful complexion.
Inositol is a type of sugar produced by our kidneys and used throughout our body, in particular in our brain and in cell membranes, and it influences the effectiveness of insulin.
Inulin is a gut-friendly fibre that helps friendly, active bacteria in your gut to grow. Inulin is a 'prebiotic', and prebiotics are vital to the health of probiotics.
Iodine is an important mineral needed for the production of thyroid hormones, helping maintain the body’s metabolic rate, healthy skin and hair, and is crucial during pregnancy.
Iron is vital to our wellbeing, including developing red blood cells which carry oxygen and fuel our energy. It is also essential in enzyme reactions and for our immunity.
Kelp is packed with a range of important vitamins and minerals. Most significantly, Kelp is a great source of Iodine. Our bodies use Iodine for the production of thyroid hormones.
L-Glutamine is an amino acid (building blocks of protein) produced in the muscles and plays a particularly important role in the maintenance of intestinal health
L-Glycine is an amino acid that has a calming and regenerative effect, reducing the time it takes to fall asleep, enhancing sleep quality, and reducing feelings of tiredness during the day.
L-Theanine, known as a 'calming' amino acid, is naturally found in the body and helps your body relax and manage feelings of stress.
L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that plays a role in making hormones which help balance mood, and improve memory and performance in stressful situations.
Arginine can be obtained from foods high in protein, including soybeans, peanuts, spirulina, chickpeas or lentils. Arginine is a type of amino acid that plays an important role in regulating blood flow.
One of the most clinically trialled bacteria, Acidophilus is a gut-friendly bacteria helping the digestive system break down sugars, such as lactose into lactic acid.
Lactobacillus Casei is one of these important organisms and plays a substantial role in the health of our digestive system.
Lactobacillus crispatus is one of the probiotics in the vaginal microbiome, where it plays an important role in maintaining vaginal health.
Lactobacillus plantarum is a good bacteria that has been researched extensively for digestion, IBD and common symptoms of IBS.
L.reuteri is a ‘good’ bacteria andcan help rebalance your vaginal microbiome, maintain your vaginal health and protect against infections.
Lactobacillus rhamnosus is an extensively studied 'good bacteria' that exists naturally in your body, helping prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in your stomach.
MSM is a natural source of sulphur which is needed for strong and flexible hair through its role in the formation of amino acids that provide hair with moisture and strength.
Maca, a hardy plant from South America, is an increasingly popular botanical studied for balancing hormones, physical and mental wellbeing, stamina and improving feelings of vitality.
Magnesium, 'the mineral superhero', supports over 300 processes in our body and is vital for our psychological wellbeing, healthy mood, and supporting our muscles, particularly after exercise.
Studies show the polysaccharides in Maitake Mushrooms possess hyperglycemic and anti-oxidative qualities.
Manganese is an important trace mineral, like zinc, copper and iodine, meaning that our bodies require it in small amounts for a variety of crucial processes.
Marigolds are a group of ornamental flowers, grown around the world for their bright orange, yellow and red petals. It is these distinct colours that also make them excellent for our health.
Milk Thistle supports digestion and helps maintain a healthy liver, protecting and supporting the detoxification of the liver and promoting the body's natural purification.
Molybdenum is important for the health of enzymes in the body that perform a range of functions, especially in eliminating toxic substances that accumulate in the body.
Red yeast rice and its active ingredient Monacolin-K has been used in traditional cultures for thousands of years to reduce cholesterol levels and stress on the heart.
Mung Beans provide a host of nutrients including Calcium, B-Vitamins, Copper, Magnesium and Zinc, supporting healthy energy, brain function and mental performance.
Turmeric's most powerful active ingredient is Curcumin, a powerful antioxidant and widely studied for its benefits for joint health and digestion.
Parsely provides excellent nutritional value along with other health benefits including for your kidneys.
Phosphatidylserine plays a vital role in cell-to-cell communication in the brain and is required to maintain the fluidity of all cell membranes.
Phytosterols (also known as plant sterols) work by helping prevent the absorption of dietary cholesterol in your blood.
Psyllium Husk (Plantago ovata) is a fibre and contributes to intestinal tract health and function, helping maintain a healthy bowel and facilitating intestinal transit.
Pumpkin contains a variety of vitamins and nutrients with excellent health benefits, especially for our eyes.
Providing important Isoflavones, Red Clover is widely studied for its role in supporting cardiovascular health and signs of menopause, including body temperature fluctuations.
Rhodiola is a herb with adaptogenic properties and studied for helping us cope calmly with stress, maintain emotional balance, and support stamina.
Sage is a Mediterranean herb that has also been used in traditional medicine for mental health and performance.
Saw palmetto is a small, rugged palm grown widely in the USA, and has been studied for its role in helping regulate hormones, supporting hair health, and men's health.
Schisandra has adaptogenic properties that can help increase the body's resistance to stress, and the body's ability to recover physical and mental wellbeing.
Sea Buckthorn is acclaimed for supporting the mucosal function that provides a protective barrier, helping protect against vaginal dryness and supporting healthy skin from within.
Seaweeds are naturally rich in bioactive compounds including polyphenols, sterols, alkaloids, flavonoids, proteins with essential amino acids and poly-unsaturated fatty acids. It contains key nutrients including Iron, a lack of which can contribute to tiredness and fatigue.
Selenium is an important mineral for the immune system. It also helps maintain healthy hair and nails and is necessary for the use of Iodine in thyroid hormone function.
Often referred to as the 'Queen of herbs', Shatavari has been used for thousands of years to help with cramps, irritability, and coping calmly with stress.
Spirulina is absolutely packed with nutrients, including proteins, B Vitamins, Copper, Iron and Magnesium, all of which play their own important role in the body.
Stinging Nettle has been extensively studied as a natural purifier that can eliminate toxins from the body.
Streptococcus Thermophilus is a type of ‘good’ bacteria that live in our gut ‘microbiome’ and has a range of healthy functions in our body.
Vitamin A is vital for our immune system, fighting off infections and in the production of white blood cells. It is also essential for healthy skin, vision and eye health.
Vitamin B1 contributes to normal energy metabolism, the normal functioning of the nervous system, our psychological function and our heart health.
Vitamin B12 is 'The Energy Vitamin' and is essential for the production of red blood cells, fuelling our energy and helping maintain a healthy heart.
Vitamin B2 is an antioxidant, a compound that keeps the number of unstable molecules (known as ‘free radicals') at a healthy level in the body.
Vitamin B3 supports our brain function by helping transport messages through it, and in breaking down the foods we eat into energy which it supplies to the brain.
We need B Vitamins to convert the glucose we gain from food into energy. Missing out on B Vitamins means we can feel fatigued, suffer from low moods and irritability.
Vitamin B6 contributes to energy production. It helps convert the food that we eat into energy that we use throughout our day.
Vitamin C is vital for our immune health, wound healing and for the health of our skin through its central role in collagen production and supporting blood vessels feeding our skin.
Our plant-based Vitamin D3 is sourced from green algae that provides more effective D3, making it better for you and our planet.
One of Vitamin E’s main benefits is that it acts as an antioxidant. Antioxidants combat harmful ‘free radicals’ (unstable molecules), helping prevent damage to cell membranes.
Vitamin K2 is a less well-known vitamin but plays a vital role in heart and bone health. It can easily be gained through our diet in foods such as green leafy vegetables, so deficiency is rare.
Wild yam is acclaimed for helping maintain a calm and comfortable menopause, regulating hormone production naturally and supports body temperature fluctuations, restlessness and irritability.
Zinc is essential for the normal functioning of our immune system, and for the health of our hair and skin. Infections, hair loss and white marks on nails are among the signs of a deficiency.
Lycopene is a compound responsible for the bright red colour it gives to tomatoes, grapefruits and watermelons, among other fruits and vegetables. It is characterised by its high 'antioxidant' content which is the highest among carotenoid pigments.