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How HeartPro® works

Our heart is one of the most vital organs in our body, and HeartPro® was created by experts using clinically studied ingredients, including phytosterols and probiotics, to enable you to invest in your heart health and keep on top of cholesterol every day.

How to take it?

  • Take your two capsules each day 20 minutes before a meal on an empty stomach.
  • HeartPro® contains healthy active bacteria (probiotics) which are sensitive to heat, so it's also important to take your capsules with a cold drink and at least 20 minutes before or after a hot drink.You can take HeartPro® first thing in the morning when you wake up, before lunch, or later in the day before your evening meal.
  • Can be taken long-term.











Kind on stomach

Easy to swallow

How it works?

HeartPro® is a uniquely comprehensive formula to support a healthy heart every day. An advanced formula and developed by cardiovascular health experts, HeartPro® contains clinically studied and plant-based cholesterol-lowering ingredients, including a unique plant-sterol complex, probiotics (8 billion CFU), Red Yeast Rice Extract, Chromium, Aged Garlic Extract, Ginger Root, B-vitamins and Coenzyme Q10. 

HeartPro® is a specialised formula providing 10 clinically studied ingredients that work synergistically at optimal doses for a natural solution to help maintain your cholesterol levels and keep your heart healthy.

Supports healthy cholesterol levels and a healthy heart

Plant Sterols

The unique phytosterol complex included in HeartPro® - Vitasterol® S80 - provides plant stanols and plant sterols, a group of compounds found naturally in plants. Along with dietary modifications, plant sterols have been shown in clinical studies to reduce blood cholesterol levels. You may also enjoy ‘4 tips to manage cholesterol’. 

HeartPro® is an effective way to increase your daily intake with 900 mg of plant sterols. Vitasterol® S-80 has been clinically shown to help reduce both the concentrations of Low-Density Lipoprotein (LDL) and Total Serum Cholesterol (TC), which in turn can help to lower the risk of cardiovascular disease. Dependent on dosage, reductions in cholesterol levels can be experienced by taking plant sterols, with levels lowering on average by 6-12% within 3 to 6 weeks. We also recommend reading ‘5 cholesterol myths busted’.1-5

Red Yeast Rice Extract provides the active component, Monacolin K, acclaimed to help rebalance cholesterol levelsMonacolin K has been extensively researched for its role in supporting healthy cholesterol levels by blocking the enzyme that helps cholesterol synthesis. Like many botanicals, Red Yeast Rice Extract works synergistically with plant sterols and exerts a cholesterol-lowering additive effect.8-9

Allicin in Aged Garlic Extract (AGE), also referred to as Black Garlic, breaks down into sulphur amino acid compounds, which are powerful antioxidants. HeartPro® provides a therapeutic dose of Garlic at 300mg. Garlic’s active compound, Allicin, helps maintain healthy levels of cholesterol and contributes to cardiovascular health. Garlic has also been shown to help support the good circulation of blood around our blood vessels. Studies show it has positive effects on ‘vascular endothelial function’ (which regulates the flow of cells from blood to tissues), which may play a role in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.10-12,17 

Ginger Root is provided at the optimal dose of 1000mg per dose and contributes to cardiovascular health, which in turn helps to maintain a healthy heart. Ginger root provides a good source of natural active compounds that have been shown to help exert cardiovascular properties. The outcome of several clinical studies shows Ginger Root may help reduce blood clotting and exert hypotensive effects and lipid-lowering effects. Learn more in ‘5 health benefits of ginger’.17,19-22

Vitamin B3 (Niacin), helps support the normal function of the nervous system and supports an energy-yielding metabolism. Niacin has been studied for its effects on cholesterol levels, and it is suggested that it may help lower TG levels by about 25%, and contribute to an increase in good ‘HDL’ levels by over 30%. Maintaining optimal dietary intake of Niacin levels can also play a role in managing blood pressure. Learn more in ‘How to manage blood pressure naturally’.  

Full list of references.

Helps maintain homocysteine metabolism

Aged Garlic Extract and B Vitamins including Folate (Vitamin B9) and Methylcobalamin (Vitamin B12) help maintain a normal homocysteine metabolism. This, in turn, contributes to lowering the risk of cardiovascular disease. You may also enjoy ‘5 signs you may be low in Vitamin B12’. 

Vitamin B12 plays a vital role in the formation of red blood cells and studies show that an insufficiency of B12 may contribute to cholesterol synthesis which in turn can lead to raised levels of cholesterol. 

Full list of references.

Provides antioxidant support

Aged Garlic Extract provides a source of antioxidants which support a healthy immune function and the body’s resilience to the stress. Compared to standard garlic extracts, Aged Garlic Extract has been shown to exert greater antioxidant activity, higher polyphenol levels and a different composition and content of both phenolic and flavonoids.10,14-15

Ginger Roots’ constituents are acclaimed for their antioxidant properties and alleviating oxidative stress, which can in turn help reduce blood pressure and be of support against several vascular conditions. Ginger root supports the immune system and contributes to the natural defences of the body. It has also been extensively studied for its ‘tonic’ properties and has been thought to help the body overcome fatigue, and in turn, support energy levels.17

Full list of references.

Helps provide digestive support

HeartPro® provides 8 billion CFU of the clinically studied probiotic strain Lactobacilli plantarum. Probiotics play a role in gut health, which in turn is vital to our overall health and wellbeing. Clinical research shows that the role L.plantarum plays in lowering lipid levels while also supporting a healthy gut can help lower the risk factor for developing cardiovascular conditions. Learn more in ‘What are probiotics’. If you suffer IBS, we recommend the award-winning Gut Works®, an advanced prebiotic and probiotic with 6 clinically studied strains and 50bn CFU.26-32

Garlic contributes to the maintenance of microbial balance in the gut. As an antioxidant, Garlic supports the body’s natural defences against harmful microorganisms (bacteria and fungi), thereby supporting a healthy balanced gut flora.

While consuming a good diversity of foods, with plenty of colourful fruits, vegetables and fermented foods is important to our gut health, we can also benefit from topping up our intake with healthy, live bacteria through highly effective probiotics such as Gut Works®

Full list of references.

Synergistic nutrients for best outcomes

The nutrients in HeartPro® have been carefully chosen by our team of experts. Not only are they shown to be effective on their own, but they also work in a synergistic way with each other.

Coenzyme Q10 is an important nutrient involved in many biological processes. Our levels of CoQ10 naturally reduce with age and for those who have been on cholesterol-lowering statins, they can become even more deficient in CoQ10.

When combined with Aged Garlic Extract (300mg), CoQ10 at the optimal dose of 30mg can help contribute to a significant reduction in atherosclerotic plaque and endothelial function improvement which helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.

CoQ10 also works effectively with Red Rice Yeast Extract to lower blood pressure (systolic and diastolic), total cholesterol levels and serum glucose levels.

L.plantarum strains and Monacolin K, also help lower cholesterol levels more effectively when combined.

Full list of references.

Supports macronutrient metabolism and helps balance blood sugar levels

HeartPro® includes 200mcg of the optimal and well-absorbed picolate form of Chromium. Chromium supports macronutrient metabolism and the conversion of protein, fat and carbohydrates into energy. It also contributes to balanced blood glucose levels. Chromium supplementation can also help to significantly lower markers of cholesterol on a short-term or long-term basis. Chromium deficiency is often associated with dyslipidemia, so replenishing CoQ10 stores is very important for our overall health.

Full list of references.

What to expect?

3 weeks

Plant sterols manage and lower cholesterol within 3-6 weeks. Expect a gradual decline of LDL cholesterol (on average by 6-12%). Normal homocysteine levels are supported, which, along with dietary and lifestyle factors, can help significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and keep your heart healthy.

2 months

Significant reduction in LDL levels in mildly hypercholesterolemic patients.
Total cholesterol levels can be seen to be reduced by 20%.
Reduced arterial stiffness helps improve endothelial function in Type 2 diabetics. This may play a role in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.


2-4 weeks

Probiotics in HeartPro® begin to rebalance your gut microbiome, improving overall gut health and your gut’s function in supporting your heart health.
Experience better energy levels. 
Blood glucose management is improved.


3 weeks

Plant sterols manage and lower cholesterol within 3-6 weeks. Expect a gradual decline of LDL cholesterol (on average by 6-12%). Normal homocysteine levels are supported, which, along with dietary and lifestyle factors, can help significantly lower the risk of cardiovascular disease and keep your heart healthy.


6 weeks

Improved immune system and resilience to stress. 
Reduced cardiovascular risk biomarkers in those with moderate hypercholesterolemia.
You may also see a reduction in blood pressure within 6-12 weeks.
Blood vessels become relaxed, blood flow is improved and oxidative stress is reduced.


2 months

Significant reduction in LDL levels in mildly hypercholesterolemic patients.
Total cholesterol levels can be seen to be reduced by 20%.
Reduced arterial stiffness helps improve endothelial function in Type 2 diabetics. This may play a role in the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease.


4 months - 1 year

Reduced atherosclerotic plaque progression and significant improvements in endothelial function, particularly in those who experience high occupational stress.

How long it takes to work

It’s important to take HeartPro® daily and consistently to gain the benefits for your heart health and lowering cholesterol.

Studies show that cholesterol levels begin to reduce after 3-6 weeks of taking plant sterols consistently at a dosage of 900mg or more per day.

Likewise, the probiotics in HeartPro® will begin to rebalance your gut microbiome within 2-4 weeks, improving overall gut health and digestion, and your gut’s function in supporting your heart health.

Hear from our expert nutritionists

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Cholesterol is vital for our health, but how do we keep our cholesterol 'healthy'? Our nutritionists explain.

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