What is DR.VEGAN®?
DR.VEGAN® is the world's fastest growing ethical nutrition and supplement brand. At DR.VEGAN® we passionately believe in creating the most efficacious naturally sourced and plant-based supplements to meet your health goals. And we're equally passionate there is no place for animal ingredients or additives in any supplements. All our supplements are delivered in sustainable packaging, meaning our supplements are not only better for you, they're also better for the planet.
You don't need to be vegan to choose our supplements which are better for you, more effective, and better for the planet. While we believe you can gain all the nutrients you need in your diet through plant foods, we respect everyone's freedom of choice. 90% of our customers are not vegan and choose us because DR.VEGAN® supplements are better for them and the planet.
Learn more about our team.
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Discover articles, tips and advice from our expert nutritionists.
Discover our range of vegan vitamins, supplements and probiotics.
Our products are free of allergens including gluten, lactose, dairy, wheat, soya, sugar, starch, and we use only the highest quality bioavailable ingredients which means our vegan supplements are more absorbable, more effective and kinder to your body.
We believe the ethical choice should be an easy choice – and it is with DR.VEGAN.
All our supplements are provided in re-sealable pouches, delivered through your letterbox. Our pioneering refillable pill tin is free with your first subscription order, and can hold up to 84 capsules and travel the world with you.
Explore our vegan probiotics, vitamins and supplements.
How do you redeem your 'Refer a friend' code?
To redeem your Refer a Friend code simply log in to your account. You will need to be an existing customer. Your friends will receive £10 off their first order. Your friend will receive their code via email, when they have used it in the discount code box at checkout, you will receive your code as a reward.
What is the DR.VEGAN® diet profile?
Your health starts with a varied, healthy and balanced diet, so we make it easy to understand your diet, how it supports you and and where it doesn't, with our free, online Diet Profile.
Our nutritionists and technical wizards created the Diet Profile - a triage for nutrition - and our clever algorithm will show you the essential nutrients your diet and your body need.
Every diet creates its own nutritional needs, and we all have different health goals. Not everyone has the time for a consultation with a nutritionist, or to read lots of articles about what you should and shouldn’t be eating.
Our Diet Profile makes it easier for you to see what your diet is giving you, and just as importantly, what it isn’t. Create your Diet Profile now.
Have a question? Contact our team team@drvegan.com
What is so special about the DR.VEGAN Daily Multi-Vitamin?
Our award-winning vegan Daily Multi-Vitamin is not only the most comprehensive Multivitamin for those on a plant-based diet, it is the most comprehensive multivitamin formula - period.
Our Daily Multi is rich in 24 essential nutrients your body needs to function at its best, from healthy energy, immunity, digestion and mental performance to glowing skin, stronger nails and hair every day.
Our Daily Multi-Vitamin contains optimal levels of essential nutrients for all your health goals, and includes those missing in so many diets, including B Vitamins, Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Vitamin K2, Magnesium, Spirulina, Selenium, Choline, Iron and Zinc, and many more!
Discover our Daily Multivitamin.
Have a question about creating your diet profile? Contact our team team@drvegan.com
Are DR.VEGAN® supplements allergen-free?
Yes, DR.VEGAN supplements are free of allergens including:
• Wheat, Gluten, Milk, Dairy, Lactose, Soya
• Sugar, Starch
• Celery
• Crustacean – such as prawns, crabs and lobsters
• Gluten and cereals containing gluten – including wheat (such as spelt, Khorasan), rye, barley, and oats
• Eggs
• Fish
• Lupin
• Molluscs – such as mussels and oysters
• MustardTree nuts – including almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, brazil nuts, cashew, pecans, pistachios, and macadamia nuts
• Nuts and Peanuts
• Sesame seeds
• Soybeans
• Sulphur dioxide and sulphites
• Non-GMO
• And free of any artificial preservatives, flavours, colourings and sweeteners.
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Are DR.VEGAN® supplements gluten-free?
Yes. All DR.VEGAN supplements are Gluten-free.
Are DR.VEGAN® supplements non-GMO?
Yes, all DR.VEGAN supplements are non-GMO.
When will I notice the difference?
All our bodies and diets are unique and the time it takes for you to feel the full benefits of our supplements can vary according to many factors including gender, weight, age, diet, hormones, exercise, stress, existing health conditions, existing nutrient deficiencies, and many other factors.
If your diet is low in essential nutrients, the DR.VEGAN Daily Multivitamin is the most comprehensive formula to support for your healthy energy, immunity, brain health, digestion to your bones, muscles, glowing skin and much more.
Our range of plant-based supplements include formulas to address specific health goals including:
Debloat & Detox: For bloating and to naturally detoxifies your liver.
MenoFriend®: To support common signs of menopause.
Gut Works®: Pre & probiotic for digestion and gut health and for symptoms of IBS.
Vegan Nights®: Clinically studied ingredients to help you relax and provide complete sleep.
Brain Fuel®: Your go-to daily multi-vitamin for your brain and for healthy ageing, including BacoMind®, clinically shown to improve memory recall and retention.
PMS Hero®: Premenstrual support for common signs of your monthly period including bloating, cramps and breast tenderness.
Discover all our range of vegan vitamins, supplements and probiotics.
If your diet is low in foods containing Vitamin B12, Vitamin D, Magnesium, Iron, or Choline, you may want to consider our individual supplements to plug particular nutrient deficiencies in your diet.
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Where do I find nutrition advice?
You've come to the right place! Our expert nutritionists provide tips and advice for all diets and health goals.
Discover all blogs, tips and advice here.
Or visit a particular section you're interested in:
And much more here.
Learn more about our expert nutritionists.
Can I break the capsule open if I can't swallow it?
Yes, one of the great advantages of our capsules is that you can break them open and add them to your food and drink, and it doesn’t affect the efficacy of your supplements. The supplements in our range that we don’t advise this for are our pre and probiotic, Gut Works®, Skin Saviour®, HeartPro®, pH Hero®, Women's ProMulti, Men's ProMulti and GastroAid which are better taken on an empty stomach up to 20 minutes before or after a hot meal.
Diet profile
How does the diet profile work?
Supplements should 'supplement' your diet, not replace it, so we believe it is important everyone understands their diet, what it provides them and what it doesn’t.
Our unique, free online Diet Profile simplifies your diet and the nutrients it provides. Our team of expert nutritionists and naturopaths created a unique algorithm that takes your answers to a few questions to identify the nutrients you’re most likely to get in your diet, and those you’re not, and suggests the supplements your body may need.
If you haven’t already, try our free online Diet Profile now - it only takes 3 minutes.
Have a question about creating your diet profile? Contact our team team@drvegan.com
Where can I find out what foods provide which nutrients?
We’ve created a helpful section – Foods – on all the major food groups and the nutrients they provide, and which foods within them are the best sources.
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What are NRVs?
NRVs stands for Nutrient Reference Values (NRV). The NRV is a recommended daily nutrient target based on an average individual. The NRV can vary by gender, weight, and life-stage and believe it or not, they also vary by country. Some countries recommend higher levels of nutrients than others. For nutrients where the data is insufficient, experts make an estimate based on what they believe are typical intakes for healthy individuals.
Read more in 'What are NRVs and are they important'.
Have a question about NRVs? Contact our team team@drvegan.com
What are RDA and RDI?
RDAs are the Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA), and RDIs are Recommended Daily Intake. They both mean the same and apply to vitamins and minerals and have been established by scientific research. They are intended as guidelines to inform you of how much of a specific nutrient your body may need on a daily basis.
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Can you take too many supplements?
Most vitamin and mineral supplements are water soluble, which means they’re easily absorbed by the body, and just as easily disposed of by your body through urine - just as if you were receiving the nutrients via food and drink. However you can have too much of some nutrients, which is why it is important to re-evaluate supplements you’re taking if your diet changes. That’s why we created the Diet Profile, a simple and easy way to see what nutrients your diet will be providing you with.
Have a question? Contact our team team@drvegan.com
Food nutrition
How do I see what foods provide which nutrients
The Diet Profile is the first place to start. However we’ve also created a helpful section on Foods which gives you information on all the major food groups and the nutrients they provide, and the foods within them are the best sources.
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What are legumes?
Legumes are an edible seed that grows in a pod. Beans, peas and lentils, baked beans, kidney beans, chickpeas, black-eyed peas and red, green, yellow or brown lentils are all legumes.
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Why are legumes good for you?
Legumes are rich in fibre and protein, folate (the natural form of Folic Acid), Iron and Magnesium, essential nutrients for your energy, digestion, heart and immunity.
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What is the best way to eat legumes?
Legumes contain anti-nutrients which can interfere with the digestion and absorption of other nutrients. For example, phytate is an antioxidant in legumes that impairs the absorption of Iron, Zinc and Calcium from other foods in your meal. However soaking, sprouting and fermenting legumes reduces the phytate content, improving their nutrient value to your body. Fortunately, legumes are often bought in cans, and have been soaked and cooked so they’re in an optimal form for a salad or to heat up. A typical portion of beans, peas or lentils (approximately 80g) counts towards your 5-A-Day.
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What benefits do fruit and vegetables have?
Fruit and vegetables help protect against heart disease, reduce the risk of some cancers and type 2 diabetes, and help you maintain a healthy weight. These are all good reasons why we should eat our five portions a day of fruit and veg.
Fruit and vegetables contain nutrients that help you feel and function well, including Vitamin C for your body to form new tissue, Vitamin A for normal vision, skin and your immune system, and Folate for creating red blood cells. They are also a great source of fibre which keeps your gut healthy and helps prevent constipation and other digestion issues.
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What is the best way to cook vegetables to retain their nutrients?
Nutrients in vegetables are easily destroyed during preparation when boiling, so try to steam, microwave, or roast your vegetables to retain more essential vitamins and minerals. Different types and colours of fruit and veg contain different combinations of nutrients and good plant compounds such as phytonutrients (natural chemicals), so it is important to have a variety in your diet.
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What are grains?
Grains are the seeds of cereal plants such as wheat, barley, oats and rice, and form the basis of foods like breads, pasta, cereals and tortilla. The wholegrain is made up of three parts – the fibre-rich outer layer (the bran), a nutrient-packed inner layer (the germ), and a central starchy part (the endosperm). Wholegrains contain up to 75% more nutrients than refined grain (more common) which has had the bran and endosperm removed that contain so much of the goodness.
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Why are grains good for you?
Grains are high in carbohydrates that provide your body with energy. They are low in fat, contain useful protein and important nutrients including B-vitamins that help the body use the energy from other foods.
The biggest benefit of wholegrains is the high fibre content which keeps your digestive system functioning well and can help lower your chances of developing diabetes, heart disease, and several cancers. Wholegrains also include B-vitamins, antioxidants such as Selenium and Vitamin E, and the minerals Copper and Magnesium which support your brain, skin, heart and energy.
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What is protein?
Protein is found in every single cell in your body – it’s in your DNA! Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids. There are about 20 different amino acids found in plant and animal proteins, eight of which are essential and which our bodies can’t make, so you need them in your diet.
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How do I get protein in my diet?
Protein from animal sources (meat, fish, eggs, milk and cheese) contain all the essential amino acids, and some plant foods (soya products, quinoa, buckwheat, chia seeds and hemp seeds) also contain all the essential amino acids. Other useful sources of plant protein include nuts, seeds, pulses, mycoprotein, and seitan (wheat protein).
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Why is protein important in your diet?
Protein is not just an essential component of your muscles and vital for growth and repair of your body, it has a major role in controlling your appetite, supporting your immune system, making hormones, carrying oxygen and maintaining a healthy kidney function. It also serves as a source of energy when there is not enough from other sources.
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Can I gain all the protein I need on a vegan diet?
In short, yes. If you’re on a vegan diet, you can obtain all the protein you need from plant sources. The key is to include a variety of plant proteins, so the combinations provide all the essential amino acids. If you’re particularly active, exercising or leading a busy life, a protein supplement can be a convenient way to ensure you are getting enough protein to meet your needs.
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What nutrients do dairy foods contain?
Dairy foods (milk, yogurt and cheese) are great sources of protein and essential nutrients such as Calcium, Iodine, Vitamin B2 and Vitamin B12. The Calcium in dairy foods is particularly useful as our bodies can easily absorb it.
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Are there any benefits of eating dairy foods?
Although dairy contains some saturated fat (linked with raised cholesterol), some studies show dairy foods are associated with a reduced risk of heart disease and stroke and type 2 diabetes due to their high calcium content which binds to the saturated fat and prevents your body from absorbing it. Unsweetened and calcium-fortified dairy alternatives like soya milks, yogurts and cheeses are good alternatives to dairy as the protein content is often similar.
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Are eggs good for you?
Eggs contain nutrients which are important in our diet, such as Vitamins D, A, B2, B12, Folate, Iodine and Choline, as well as being a source of protein. Protein can be easily sourced from plants and is essential for our bodies to grow and repair.
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Which is better – the egg white or egg yolk?
If you do eat egg, while egg whites are higher in protein than the yolks, the yolks are more nutrient dense and contain most of the vitamins and minerals.
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Is there a limit on the number of eggs we should eat each day?
Although eggs contain some cholesterol, it is the amount of saturated fat in our diet that increases our blood cholesterol levels rather than the cholesterol we get from eating eggs. There is no recommended limit to the amount of eggs you should eat, so long as you include them as part of a healthy balanced diet.
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What are the benefits of eating fish?
Fish are a great source of essential vitamins and minerals such as Iodine, Selenium and Vitamin D, Protein, and healthy fats (known as omega-3 fatty acids). Oil-rich fish, such as mackerel, salmon, trout, herring, sardines and pilchards are particularly high in long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. There is lots of evidence that these fatty acids benefit your heart health, brain function (concentration, memory and mood) and your eye health.
Different types of fish and shellfish provide different types and levels of key nutrients, so eating a variety is not only important for us but also helps communities sustain fish stocks.
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Does how you cook fish affect the nutritional benefits?
Try to grill, bake or steam your fish – it is healthier than frying which can increase the fat content, especially with batter. Poaching fish can lower some water-soluble vitamins (such as the B-vitamins), but the omega-3 fatty acid content is generally not affected by cooking.
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What vitamins and minerals do meats contain?
Meats such as beef, lamb, pork and chicken are all rich in high-quality protein which is essential for growth and repair in the body. Meats also contain lots of nutrients including Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Vitamin D and Vitamin B12, benefiting a range of your body’s functions including your cognitive health, energy, immunity, skin and bones.
Some of these nutrients are more easily absorbed by the body from meat than from non-meat food sources, so those eating a vegetarian or vegan diet should ensure they include adequate plant sources of these nutrients and may require supplements because alternative sources don’t provide our bodies with sufficient levels.
Some meats can be higher in fat, especially saturated fat (which can raise cholesterol levels), so try to choose lean cuts of red meat, chicken without the skin, and trim off any visible fat, all of which can greatly reduce the saturated fat. Processed meats such as bacon, ham, salami and some sausages are likely to increase your risk of bowel cancer, so try to limit your consumption of these.
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What are healthy fats?
The two main types of fat are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are found in meat, butter, lard, cheese, coconut oil and palm oil. They are generally considered to be less healthy as they can raise blood cholesterol levels and increase risk of heart disease.
Unsaturated fats are considered ‘healthy fats’ and include monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats that are found in plant foods such as nuts and seeds, olives and avocados. There’s plenty of evidence that swapping saturated fats for unsaturated fat can lower your chances of heart disease.
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Why are healthy fats good for you?
Including some fats in the diet is vital as they form part of every cell membrane in the body, they are found within brain tissue, bone marrow and help cushion the eye socket. Fat provides us with energy, helps the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins (Vitamins A, D, E and K) and provides the essential fatty acids that cannot be made by the body. Having too much fat, or the wrong types of fat can be unhealthy.
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What are Omega-3 fats?
Omega-3s are a type of polyunsaturated fat referred to as essential fatty acids. The best sources of these are oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout as they contain the long-chain omega-3 fatty acids called EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).
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Why is Omega-3 good for you?
Omega-3 fats are particularly beneficial for heart health, brain function and eye health. The best sources are oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout. Plant sources of the short-chain omega-3s known as ALA (alpha linolenic acid) include flax, hemp, chia and pumpkin seeds, walnuts and rapeseed oil. These foods can help maintain normal cholesterol levels. The body can convert ALA into EPA and DHA fatty acids, but the process is not very efficient as less than 10% is converted. An omega-3 supplement containing EPA and DHA can be beneficial for vegetarians, vegans or those who don’t eat any oily fish.
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Vitamins & Minerals
Where can I find out what vitamins and supplements do?
We’ve created a helpful section on Vitamins & Minerals which gives you information on all the essential vitamins and minerals your body needs, how they support each part of your body, and the best foods providing these nutrients.
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What are B Vitamins?
B vitamins include vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6 which are all required for releasing energy from food. Low levels of B vitamins can lead to feeling tired, depressed or irritable.
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What are the best sources of B vitamins?
Pork, chicken, turkey, lamb and beef contain B vitamins, and plant foods that contain B vitamins include whole grains, bread, fortified cereals, soya beans, nuts, and some fruits and vegetables. B vitamins are water soluble and the body lacks the ability to store them, so any surplus intake your body doesn’t use is excreted in the urine.
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What is vitamin B12?
Vitamin B12 is found in almost all foods of animal origin so is one of the most common nutrient deficiencies among vegans. Green plants do not provide Vitamin B12 and although it can be synthesized by some algae and bacteria, the bioavailability of such forms is disputed.
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Why is vitamin B12 important?
Vitamin B12 is essential for growth and division of your body’s cells and the forming of red blood cells in your body. It helps keep your nervous system healthy and plays an important role in releasing energy from your food. A deficiency of B12 can cause tiredness, fatigue, and anaemia, and is a particular risk for vegans. The Vegan Society recommends those on a vegan diet take a B12 supplement, such as our Vegan Vitamin B12, or include B12 fortified non-dairy milk alternatives, fortified breakfast cereal or yeast extract in your diet.
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What is vitamin D?
Vitamin D isn’t actually a vitamin, it is a hormone which is made in the skin when exposed to UVB sunlight, which gives it the name ‘The Sunshine Vitamin’. The UK Government recommends adults should take a daily Vitamin D supplement (in particular over the winter months) because it helps your body absorb calcium and phosphate from your diet, both of which are essential for healthy bones. It also benefits the heart and immune system and studies show it can help maintain a balanced mood.
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What are the best sources of vitamin D?
Vitamin D is only found in a small number of foods, mainly of animal origin, such as oily fish, meat and egg yolks. Some foods such as breakfast cereals and plant milk alternatives may be fortified with Vitamin D, and some mushrooms are grown under UV light to enhance their Vitamin D content.
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What is the best type of Vitamin D?
The most effective source of Vitamin D is D3 from plant sources such as green algae, or animal sources such as lanolin or sheep’s wool. D2 is an alternative source from plants such as mushrooms grown in UV light, but it is less effective at increasing vitamin D levels in the blood. DR.VEGAN Vitamin D is D3 from green algae, the more effective form. Vitamin D is fat-soluble so absorption is improved when you take it with food containing some healthy fats.
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Why is vitamin C good for you?
Vitamin C has a huge range of benefits including protecting cells and supporting the immune system, keeping skin, blood vessels and bones healthy and helping any wounds to heal. Vitamin C also improves your body’s Iron intake from plant foods which is especially important for those who don’t eat meat because Iron from plants is much harder for the body to absorb. As a result DR.VEGAN Vegan Iron (18mg) contains 80mg of Vitamin C and is more effective than many other Iron supplements.
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What are the best sources of vitamin C?
The best food sources of Vitamin C are fruits and veg, particularly citrus fruits, berries, peppers and dark green leafy vegetables. It is water-soluble so you need to include these foods in your diet each day as the body can’t store it. Vitamin C is also one of the most unstable vitamins and easily destroyed during cooking, so raw, fresh fruits and vegetables are the best source, and when cooking, use only a small amount of water.
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What is vitamin K?
Vitamin K is a less well-known vitamin but plays an important role in your heart health and bone health, and normal blood clotting. There are two forms: Vitamin K1 (phylloquinone) found in plant foods and Vitamin K2 (menaquinone) found in animal and fermented foods, which is generally more easily absorbed by your body. DR.VEGAN Daily Multivitamin contains the daily recommended level of vegan Vitamin K2.
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What foods contain vitamin K?
The best dietary sources are green leafy vegetables such as green cabbage, broccoli, Brussels sprouts and spinach, while tea also contains vitamin K. It is a fat-soluble vitamin, so any Vitamin K your body doesn’t need immediately is stored in the liver for future use. Some Vitamin K can be made by bacteria in the large intestine, and there is evidence that long-term use of antibiotics may contribute to lower levels of Vitamin K.
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Why is vitamin A good for us?
Vitamin A is essential for supporting good vision, especially in dim light. Yes, eating carrots can help you see in the dark! Vitamin A also supports your immune function and maintains healthy skin and mucus membranes such as the lining of the nose and urinary tract.
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What foods contain vitamin A?
Vitamin A is found in foods of animal origin such as dairy, eggs and liver. However, it is also available from plant sources in the form of beta-carotene which the body converts into Vitamin A. The main sources of beta-carotene are yellow, red and green leafy vegetables such as carrots, squash, sweet potatoes, red peppers, spinach and kale. Yellow fruits such as mango, apricots and papaya are also good sources. Generally the more intense the colour of the fruit or vegetable, the more beta-carotene it will contain.
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Why do we need Iron?
Iron is required by your body for making haemoglobin, the oxygen-carrying protein in red blood cells, so it is essential for a healthy immune system and maintaining your energy levels.
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What are the symptoms of iron deficiency?
Iron deficiency is a common cause of anaemia and feeling low on energy and is quite common for women with heavy periods. Tea and coffee hinder iron absorption so it’s best to avoid these with meals, or leave at least 30 minutes before or after a meal before you drink your brew.
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What is the difference between iron from meat and iron from plants?
There are two sources of iron: haem iron found in foods of animal origin and non-haem iron found in plants. It is well known the most readily available food source of iron is red meat. Useful plant sources include beans, chickpeas and lentils; green leafy vegetables such as spinach, kale and watercress; dried apricots and nuts and seeds such as sesame (and tahini paste), pumpkin seeds and cashew nuts. Iron absorption from plant foods can be as little as 2-5%. However, including a source of Vitamin C with your meals can improve Iron absorption by 10x. This is why DR.VEGAN Iron (18mg) contains 80mg of Vitamin C.
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Why do we need Iodine?
Iodine is needed for the production of thyroid hormones which maintain your body’s metabolic rate. Iodine is especially important during pregnancy as it is essential for the baby’s brain development.
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What foods contain Iodine?
Most of the Iodine in the world is found in the oceans, so seafoods are a rich source, particularly white fish such as haddock and cod. Cow’s milk is also a major source of Iodine. Seaweed is a very concentrated source of Iodine so eating it more than once a week is not recommended, especially during pregnancy as too much Iodine can cause issues with your thyroid (involved in making hormones involved in metabolism and growth, and for the development of a baby’s brain during pregnancy).
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Why is Zinc important?
Zinc is required for the normal function of your immune and reproductive systems. It is involved in various metabolic pathways and is essential for cell division and growth and repair of body tissue.
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What foods contain Zinc?
Zinc is found in many foods and is most easily absorbed from meat. It is also found in shellfish, dairy foods and whole grains, beans, lentils, nuts, seeds and eggs. Phytates (antioxidants) found in plant foods such as whole grains and legumes can reduce the body’s absorption of Zinc, so it’s important for vegetarians and vegans to eat a variety of plant foods to get adequate levels from their diet. DR.VEGAN Daily Multivitamin contains the recommended daily level of Zinc.
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Why do we need Calcium?
Calcium is crucial for strong bones and teeth. It is also vital for nerve transmission, blood clotting, muscle functions and helping your body digest food.
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What foods contain Calcium?
Milk, cheese and other dairy products provide about half of the calcium in a typical diet, so if you don’t consume dairy products it is difficult to get adequate Calcium. Plant-milk alternatives and yogurts with added calcium can be helpful, and tofu can be a source if it is set using calcium chloride (E509) or calcium sulphate (E516), so check the label.
Small fish with small edible bones such as sardines, beans, chickpeas, sesame seeds, tahini (sesame paste), dried figs and almonds are useful sources of Calcium. Green leafy vegetables kale, spinach and broccoli contain good amounts of Calcium, however Calcium in these foods is bound to a compound called oxalate which limits its absorption. Bread is also an important source because most bread flour (not wholemeal) is fortified with calcium by law in the UK and many countries.
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What is Magnesium?
Magnesium is a ‘Superhero’ of minerals. It is an essential nutrient in all human tissues, particularly in your bones and is involved in obtaining energy from food, muscle and nerve function, and blood clotting.
Although deficiency in Magnesium is rare, it is quite common for people to have too low levels. Your body uses more Magnesium when you’re stressed as it helps to soothe the nervous system, which is why it is often taken for managing stress and improving sleep. DR.VEGAN Magnesium contains the optimal level in the most bio-available form for your body.
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What foods contain Magnesium?
Magnesium can be found in a range of foods including wholegrain cereals, nuts, legumes, dairy foods, meat and fish. Chlorophyll (the green pigment in plants) contains Magnesium so green leafy vegetables are a useful source.
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What is Choline?
Choline is a less commonly known nutrient but is essential for maintaining a healthy liver. Choline produces a substance required for removing cholesterol from your liver and can help prevent conditions such as fatty liver disease. Alcohol can increase the body’s requirement for Choline, and a high alcohol intake can increase your risk of choline deficiency. Choline is also beneficial for heart health and is important during pregnancy as it is a key nutrient for developing babies.
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What are the best sources of Choline?
Eggs, milk, meat and fish are the main dietary sources of Choline. It is also found in plants, foods with soya products, quinoa and broccoli, some of the best plant sources.
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What is Spirulina?
Spirulina is a blue-green algae packed with nutrients such as protein, B-vitamins, Copper and Iron. It also contains Vitamin B12 but not in a form that is absorbed easily. It can be available in supplement form and has been used in some food products such as snack bars and smoothies.
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Why is Spirulina good for you?
Spirulina contains many antioxidants that help protect the body’s cells from damage. It is also thought to help reduce blood pressure and lower blood sugar levels, although scientific studies are ongoing to fully confirm this.
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What is Turmeric?
Turmeric has been used as a medicinal herb for thousands of years. Turmeric contains more than 300 bioactive compounds, including the most active compound, Curcumin. Curcumin is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your body’s cells from damage and reduce inflammation. Chronic inflammation plays a role in many Western diseases such as heart disease, cancer, obesity, Alzheimer’s and arthritis. It is the curcuminoids which are responsible for Turmeric’s yellow colour.
Using Turmeric along with oil and black pepper increases its effectiveness because curcumin is fat soluble and the compound contained in black pepper, piperine, improves absorption.
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What is Ashwagandha?
Ashwagandha is best known for its ability to help reduce stress and anxiety, and in helping promote a feeling of calm and wellbeing. It has been used as a medicinal herb for 3000 years. A small shrub with yellow flowers found in India and North Africa, extracts of the Ashwagandha plant’s roots and leaves has benefits for our brain function, reducing symptoms of depression, helping with sleep problems, boosting fertility in men, reducing blood sugar in people with diabetes and reducing inflammation.
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Health & Lifestyle
Where can I find out what vitamins and supplements support my health and lifestyle?
We’ve created a helpful section on your Health Goals which gives you information on all the main health goals, the best nutrients to support them, and the best foods to provide these nutrients.
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What foods support my immunity?
The immune system is one of the most complex systems in the body, made up of a network of cells, molecules, tissues and organs all working together to protect the body.
There are many nutrients involved with the normal functioning of the immune system. For example, vitamin A, from dairy foods, dark green leafy vegetables and orange-coloured fruit and vegetables helps support white blood cells identify pathogens (nasty bacteria that cause disease). Vitamin C found in citrus fruits, berries, green vegetables and peppers, help immune cells attack pathogens and maintain healthy skin, which acts as a barrier to infection.
Other important nutrients for a healthy immune system include Vitamin B6 and B12, Vitamin D, Folate, Iron, Selenium and Zinc. As we age our immune system becomes less efficient, so having a varied and nutritious diet is even more important.
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What foods provide energy?
Energy comes from the carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the food and drinks we consume. To maintain a healthy weight, you need to balance the amount of energy (or calories) from your diet with the amount of energy you use through physical activity.
Fat contains 9 calories per gram which is more than twice as many calories per gram than protein (which has 4 calories per gram) and carbohydrate (which has 3.75 calories per gram). Alcohol also contains calories – 7 calories per gram but these are referred to as ‘empty calories’ as they have no nutritional value.
The main energy source for the body and brain is carbohydrate which is broken down into glucose (sugar) before being absorbed into your blood. Starchy carbohydrate foods such as bread, beans, pasta, potatoes and oats provide a steady, slow release of energy (glucose) into the blood as well as nutrients such as B-vitamins that help to release energy from food.
Your body can also use protein as an energy source but it prefers not to as the process of breaking it down for energy is so inefficient. A small amount of fat is needed by the body to get essential fatty acids (omega-3s) and to help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins such as Vitamins A, D, E and K. Any energy not used by the body is converted into body fat.
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What foods support digestion and metabolism?
Having enough fibre in your diet is important for a healthy digestive system and preventing constipation. For adults, at least 30g of fibre a day is recommended. Fibre-providing foods include wholegrains, potatoes, beans and pulses, vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds.
Nerves and hormones help control the digestive process and so a variety of vitamins and minerals are required for the digestive system to function. B-vitamins help breakdown food so that the body can use it for energy and Calcium is required to make some of the digestive enzymes (which help the digestive process).
Keeping active and well hydrated can help the digestive process. It’s also useful to include a wide variety of plant foods in your diet as this will provide a variety of fibres and nutrients to feed the beneficial bacteria in your gut.
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What are the best foods for the brain?
The brain relies on a steady supply of energy (in the form of glucose), ideally from foods such as wholegrains, beans, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables that are digested slowly to provide a steady supply of glucose to the brain.
Many nutrients are essential for normal brain function. About 60% of the brain is made of fat, and half of that fat is omega-3 fatty acids, so dietary sources of these beneficial fats, such as oily fish, are vital for the brain.
The B-vitamins, Vitamin C and the minerals: Calcium, Copper, Magnesium, Iodine, Potassium and Zinc all have important roles in the normal function of the brain and nervous system.
Keeping well hydrated is important as evidence shows that even slight dehydration may affect your brain function and mood. Aim to drink 1.5 to 2 litres of fluid a day.
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What foods support a healthy heart?
A heart healthy diet is one that is high in fibre from wholegrains and fruits and vegetables, low in salt and low in fat, particularly saturated fats (from fatty cuts of meat, butter, biscuits and pastries).
Unsaturated fats from oily fish, nuts and seeds, and healthy oils such as olive oil and rapeseed oil are useful to include in the diet to help increase levels of good cholesterol and to help the body absorb fat-soluble vitamins.
The heart needs a variety of minerals and vitamins to function well. For example, Magnesium is vital for the heart to beat as it helps the heart muscle to contract. Potassium helps the body maintain a normal blood pressure and Vitamin K is needed for normal blood clotting.
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What vitamins and minerals support healthy skin, nails and hair?
Several vitamins and minerals are important in skin health. Vitamin C has an important role in wound healing and is needed to make collagen (which provides structure to the skin). Inadequate intakes of some of the B-vitamins can result in the skin becoming red, scaling or discoloured.
Zinc is important for maintaining healthy skin, hair and nails with foods such as meat, shellfish and nuts, being useful sources. Selenium, which is found in fish, meat and nuts (in particular Brazil nuts) is a powerful antioxidant that helps maintain healthy hair and nails.
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What are the best foods and nutrients for strong bones?
Bone is made up of a protein matrix that is strengthened with minerals such as Calcium and Phosphorus. Bone mass increases until we reach our early 20s. From the age of about 40 years, bone mass gradually decreases.
There are several nutrients that play a role in maintaining healthy bones including Protein, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Magnesium, Manganese and Zinc. Of particular importance is Calcium, which is needed to help strengthen your bones and vitamin D to help the body absorb Calcium.
Milk and dairy foods are the best sources of Calcium. Vegans, or individuals who exclude dairy foods, should take particular care that their diet contains adequate Calcium as well as vitamin D.
Osteoporosis (thinning of the bones due to calcium loss) is most common in older adults, particularly women after the menopause. Smoking and a high alcohol intake increase the rate of bone loss and being underweight increases the risk of osteoporosis.
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What are the best foods and nutrients for muscles?
Muscles help you to control your movement, breathing, heartbeat and digestion. Regular exercise and a healthy diet are important to maintain your muscles, especially as you get older.
Muscle loss is a natural symptom of ageing that starts in your 30s. From the age of 40 years, muscle mass decreases by approximately 8% every decade, increasing to 15% per decade over the age of 70 years.
Protein is particularly important for building and maintaining muscle. Spacing protein intake throughout the day helps optimise the benefit to muscle mass. Including some protein foods (such as meat, fish, soya products, eggs, dairy foods or legumes) at each meal will benefit your muscles.
Vitamin D, Calcium, Magnesium and Potassium are also important for normal muscle function.
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What foods support my liver function?
The liver is involved in around 500 different reactions in the body. These include filtering and cleaning the blood, fighting infections, producing bile which helps digest fats and getting rid of waste substances from the body.
Choline helps to maintain normal liver function. The main dietary sources of choline are eggs, milk, meat and fish. Vegans should take particular care to ensure they include some plant sources of choline such as broccoli and Brussels sprouts, soya products and quinoa.
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What foods support my eye health?
Your eyes need a variety of nutrients to function properly. Vitamin A is key for good vision, especially in dim light. Vitamin A is found in animal foods such as eggs, and dairy products. However, the body can convert beta-carotene found in many fruits and vegetables into vitamin A, so eating carrots, apricots, squash and leafy green vegetables can benefit your eye health. Zinc also helps with night-vision and may help prevent cataracts forming.
Omega-3 fatty acids help form the structure of the retina in your eye. Not getting enough omega-3 fatty acids can lead to problems with vision. Oily fish, such as salmon, trout and mackerel are the best dietary sources of the essential omega-3 fatty acids. There are also plant sources of omega-3 such as flaxseeds, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds and walnuts that the body can convert into the beneficial omega-3s to benefit eye health.
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Order & Delivery
How much is delivery?
All UK orders over £15 are sent FREE via Royal Mail. We also offer Express Delivery via courier as an option.
Orders under £15 carry a £2.99 delivery charge.
DR.VEGAN® supplements are packaged in planet-friendly compostable pouches which arrive through your letterbox.
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When will I receive my order?
Our subscription service ensures you’ll never run out of your essential vitamins and they will arrive through your letterbox each month. You can change, delay, pause or cancel your delivery at any time.
Our orders are sent Royal Mail 48 hour tracked and arrive within 3-5 working days.
In periods where we experience exceptionally high demand, deliveries may take longer.
International deliveries vary according to the country of order and can take up to 10 working days to be delivered.
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Can I cancel or amend my order?
Our flexible subscription service means you can pause, reschedule or cancel your order at any time before it is processed and shipped. We process subscription orders 4 days before your scheduled delivery date to ensure you never run out.
For first time or one-off orders, once your order is placed, unfortunately it can’t be amended or cancelled. This includes changing your delivery address or payment method, or changing products.
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Can I return my order?
Yes. We accept returns for any unopened pouches and DR.VEGAN pill tins within 14 days of delivery for a refund.
Read our Returns Policy for more information.
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