
Top 10 questions about HRT answered
Dr. Katie Hodgkinson answers the top 10 most frequently asked questions about HRT.

Why omega 3 is essential for peri and menopausal women
Struggling with signs of menopause? Discover how Omega 3s can transform your hormonal balance, heart health, mood, joints and more.

5 Benefits of a plant-based diet during menopause
Why a plant-based diet can be hugely beneficial if you're going through menopause.

Does alcohol affect the menopause?
Read The Menopause Mentor's top tips for supporting your menopausal body during the festive period.

Postmenopausal sex drive
Discover the possible changes in your sex drive after menopause.

Does postmenopause cause weight gain?
Discover the factors of postmenopausal weight gain and to get rid of it.

What is postmenopause?
How to know if you are in postmenopause.

Can environmental toxins impact your hormones?
Seep share how exposure to environmental toxins can negatively affect your hormones.

Top tips for thriving through perimenopause
The Menopause Mentor shares her top tips to help you thrive through perimenopause.

How to talk to your doctor about menopause
Dr. Katie Hodgkinson provides tips for a productive GP appointment.

Is vaginal eczema a thing?
Everything you need to know about vaginal eczema.

Can stress actually delay your period?
Discover the impact stress can have on your period.