Should I take a Multi-Vitamin every day?

It is a simple fact that your body needs vitamins and minerals to survive, and a lack of them leads to illness and disease. The question isn't 'Do I need vitamins and minerals every day?' (you absolutely do!), but 'How will I get them into my body every day?'
Our bodies need at least 13 vitamins and 16 minerals which are essential to our health, and that is a lot of nutrients. Our nutritionists help you decide if you should be taking a multivitamin each day.
Can’t I get all my nutrients through my food?
The simple answer is yes. The realistic answer is that for most people it is unlikely or at least very difficult. The best nutrients are those from food and if you eat a varied and balanced diet every day, that is the best start point.
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There are challenges with relying on food alone. Evidence suggests modern food bought from typical supermarkets and grocery chains contains less nutrients than it used to. It is also quite unlikely most people eat a diet each day that will provide all the nutrition they need for optimal health, for all their lifestyle needs and health goals. As a simple example, only 20% of people manage to eat the advised 5-a-day portions of fruit and vegetables.
You may also enjoy reading: Best foods and vitamins for glowing skin
Am I at risk of being deficient in nutrients?
Some people are more likely to be deficient in nutrients than others. For example, those on certain diets that cut out whole food groups, people leading busy lives with unpredictable diets, people of any age with a chronic health problem, the elderly, people who are “picky eaters” or eat too much fast food, women during pregnancy, and plenty of others, are all at risk of deficiencies in nutrients essential for their body’s needs.
Daily Multi-Vitamin

How does a Daily Multi-Vitamin help?
A good daily multi-vitamin and mineral supplement will help ensure that you are getting all the nutrients your body needs for good health, whatever your diet and your lifestyle. It take the guess work out of your nutrient intake and can be “insurance” against getting a health condition caused by a nutrient deficiency.
Multi-Vitamin and mineral supplements bridge nutritional gaps created by lifestyles that create imbalances in your diet and food choices, and can provide your body with essential nutrients your body may need.
In our latest Daily Multi-Vitamin consumer survey, we found that more consistent use of a Daily Multi-Vitamin can lead to higher levels of effectiveness.
How do I choose the best Multi-Vitamin?
4 in 10 people don't know how to check the label, what to look out for, or which ingredients contain nasty additives. Always choose a supplement from a reputable company and look out for the following:
- Avoid additives, binders and fillers. As a result it is best to avoid supplements in tablet form - some tablets contain Talc (yes, as in Talcum Powder) as a bulking agent and Titanium Dioxide, used as a colouring agent but also classified as a carcinogen, and plenty of other nasty additives. Capsules are always a better option. You may also be interested in learning all about the hidden shocking animal ingredients involved in many supplements.
- Avoid sweeteners, artificial colourings and artificial flavourings.
- Look out for supplements that are free of allergens, gluten and any other ingredients that your body may react against.
- Look for a supplement with ingredients in the active and most bio-available forms. This means that the ingredients will be absorbed by the body more easily and will be more effective. Cheaper supplements will include forms of the nutrients that are cheap to make but not absorbed well.
Explore our range of Complete Vegan Supplements
*Based on a UK survey conducted by DR.VEGAN® of 130 customers, nationally representative, during September 2023. All customer survey findings reflect our own efforts and have not been influenced or verified by any external organisations or third-party entities.
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