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Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Pregnancy Multinutrient

Pregnancy Multinutrient

60 cápsulas | 2 al día

Mental Performance
Hair, Skin, Nails

Formulado para apoyar su salud óptima durante el embarazo y los problemas comunes relacionados con el embarazo, nuestro Pregnancy Multinutrient proporciona las mejores 27 vitaminas y minerales para un apoyo completo para usted y su bebé durante todos los trimestres del embarazo y durante la lactancia.

Para antes, durante y después del embarazo
Apoya los signos del embarazo.
Best value

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¿Por qué es tan bueno?
A diferencia de los suplementos estándar para el embarazo que contienen aditivos, nuestro Multinutriente para el Embarazo proporciona 27 vitaminas y minerales de origen natural para ti y tu bebé, sin aditivos. Esto incluye los 400 mg recomendados de Ácido Fólico para el desarrollo fetal, Vitaminas B, Colina y nutrientes esenciales. Explora más.
¿Cómo tomarlo?
Toma dos cápsulas al día, preferiblemente con comida, pero esto no es esencial. Puedes tomarlas juntas o por separado, por la mañana o por la noche.

Product details

Por 2 Cápsulas EC %NRV *
Vitamina B1 30mg 2727
Vitamina B2 20mg 1429
Vitamina B3 20mg 125
Vitamina B5 15mg 250
Vitamina B6 15mg 1071
Ácido Fólico 400µg 200
Vitamina B12 25µg 1000
Vitamina C 50mg 63
Vitamina D3 25µg 500
Vitamina E 12mg α-TE 100
Vitamina K2 83µg 110
Beta-Caroteno 3mg **
Biotina 50µg 100
Calcio 74mg 9
Colina 40mg **
Cromo 50µg 125
CoQ-10 30mg **
Cobre 240µg 24
Inositol 10mg **
Yodo 150µg 100
Hierro 15mg 107
Luteína 3mg **
Magnesio 48mg 13
Manganeso 1mg 50
Molibdeno 50µg 100
Selenio 100µg 182
Zinc 14mg 140
  • * NRV - Nutrient Reference Value
  • ** No NRV Established
Nuestro Pregnancy Multinutrient brinda el apoyo más completo para usted y su bebé antes, durante y después del embarazo con 27 vitaminas y minerales de origen natural. Incluyendo los 400 ug recomendados de folato en la forma más absorbible y biodisponible (metilfolato), el Pregnancy Multinutrient se puede tomar antes de la concepción hasta 12 semanas después del nacimiento de su hijo. Contiene las vitaminas y minerales esenciales para apoyar el desarrollo cerebral de su bebé, al mismo tiempo que apoya su energía saludable, sistema inmunológico y equilibrio psicológico durante la concepción, el embarazo y la lactancia. El Pregnancy Multinutrient incluye:

Desarrollo fetal saludable
Folato en dosis de 400 ug, según lo recomendado por el Departamento de Salud del Reino Unido, y es importante antes y después de la concepción para apoyar el desarrollo del feto.

Equilibrio hormonal
Vitamina B6 (15mg) que contribuye a la regulación de la actividad hormonal.

Energía saludable
Vitaminas B1, B2, B12, vitamina C, vitamina B6, cobre, yodo, hierro y biotina que contribuyen al metabolismo energético saludable del cuerpo.

Cerebro y función psicológica
Folato, yodo, vitamina B1, vitamina B3, vitamina B5, vitamina B6 y vitamina B12, que favorecen el desarrollo y mantenimiento del cerebro y la función psicológica normales.

Tiroides y metabolismo saludables
Yodo y selenio que contribuyen al mantenimiento de una función tiroidea saludable, lo cual es importante para regular el metabolismo del cuerpo que digiere los alimentos y los convierte en energía para usted y su bebé.

Control del azúcar en sangre
El cromo favorece el mantenimiento de los niveles de azúcar en sangre.

Ojos sanos
La vitamina B2 favorece una visión normal y también incluimos luteína, un carotenoide importante que se encuentra en el pigmento macular de nuestros ojos.

Inmunidad saludable
Es importante reforzar el sistema inmunológico antes, durante y después del embarazo. Nuestro multinutriente para el embarazo incluye nutrientes vitales en su forma más eficaz y de fácil absorción para reforzar el sistema inmunológico, como vitamina B6, vitamina B12, vitamina C, vitamina D3, ácido fólico, hierro, selenio y zinc.

Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y equilibrada ni de un estilo de vida saludable. Si está tomando algún medicamento o está bajo supervisión médica, consulte con un médico o un profesional de la salud antes de usarlos. Suspenda su uso y consulte con un médico si se producen reacciones adversas.

¿Quieres saber más? Lee por qué nuestro multinutriente para el embarazo es tan bueno
INGREDIENTES: Citrato de calcio, vitamina C (extracto de acerola (Malphighia glabra)), citrato de magnesio, bitartrato de colina, hierro (citrato ferroso), citrato de zinc, vitamina B1 (clorhidrato de tiamina), coenzima Q-10, luteína, vitamina B2 (riboflavina 5' fosfato), vitamina B3 (nicotinamida), selenio (L-selenometionina), vitamina B6 (clorhidrato de piridoxina), vitamina B5 (ácido pantoténico, sal de calcio), betacaroteno (natural), vitamina E (succinato de D-alfa tocoferol), inositol (mioinositol), vitamina D3 (colecalciferol), vitamina K2 (menaquinona MK7), glicinato de manganeso, bisglicinato de cobre, folato (L-metilfolato de calcio), picolinato de cromo, yodo (ácido Yoduro), molibdeno (molibdato de amonio), biotina (D-biotina), vitamina B12 (metilcobalamina), cubierta de la cápsula (hidroxipropilmetilcelulosa).

Los complementos alimenticios no deben utilizarse como sustituto de una dieta variada y equilibrada ni de un estilo de vida saludable. Si está tomando algún medicamento o está bajo supervisión médica, consulte con un médico o un profesional de la salud antes de usarlos. Suspenda su uso y consulte con un médico si se producen reacciones adversas.

Lea nuestras reseñas de suplementos

Tomo curcumina y cúrcuma,multivitaminas,magnesio y Debloat & Detox. Suena mucho: soy vegano y nunca me había sentido tan bien.


Siempre excelente servicio del Dr. Vegan,fácil de ordenar y cambiar su horario. Me siento mucho mejor desde que comencé a tomar mis suplementos Dr Vegan.


En el primer mes noté una pequeña diferencia (PMS Hero),pero fue en el segundo mes donde el efecto fue inmediato. Fue increíble. Estoy durmiendo mucho mejor,no me pongo irritable ni de mal humor,no tengo calambres y no estoy tan hinchada.


¡Me encantan estas vitaminas y su servicio! Sus correos electrónicos brindan información clara sobre cada uno de los que compré. Seguirá usándolos.

Revisión de Trustpilot














vitaminas y minerales de origen natural para usted y su bebé en cada paso antes,durante y después del embarazo,incluido el ácido fólico. Descubra por qué el ácido fólico es tan importante durante el embarazo.

Leer más

Por qué el Paquete Integral de Embarazo es tan bueno

Con 27 vitaminas y minerales para el desarrollo de tu bebé
Omega 3 de potencia óptima - 150 mg de EPA y 300 mg de DHA
Niveles óptimos de colina en forma de bitartrato


Poderosos ingredientes de origen vegetal
Embalaje sostenible
Cero aditivos desagradables
Pregnancy Multinutrient
Los mejores suplementos que hemos encontrado.

Los mejores suplementos que hemos encontrado.

DR.VEGAN es progresista y nutricionalmente asombroso.

DR.VEGAN es progresista y nutricionalmente asombroso.

DR.VEGAN es pionero en el bienestar sostenible y ofrece la calidad que usted merece.

DR.VEGAN es pionero en el bienestar sostenible y ofrece la calidad que usted merece.

Dr Vegan pone a sus consumidores en primer lugar, y nos encanta verlo así.

Dr Vegan pone a sus consumidores en primer lugar, y nos encanta verlo así.

Ingredientes efectivos


Our Vegan Omega 3 is ethically and sustainably sourced from algae in controlled environments, ensuring no fish or animal life is affected and no oceanic ecosystems are destroyed.


During pregnancy, Choline is vital for tissue expansion and has a protective role in the development of the foetal brain. Since our liver can only make a small amount of it, it’s important to get Choline from your diet or a Choline supplement to avoid a deficiency.


Folate is needed in the early weeks of pregnancy to help prevent neural tube defects. This is because it is key in the synthesis of DNA and the replication of new cells.

Vitamin D3

Our plant-based Vitamin D3 is sourced from green algae that provides more effective D3, making it better for you and our planet.

Magnesium Citrate

Magnesium is a 'Superhero' of minerals. It is an essential nutrient in all human tissues, particularly in your bones and is involved in obtaining energy from food, maintaining electrolyte balance and supporting normal muscle and nerve function. It does pretty much everything. 

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Más información

Frecuentemente emparejado con...

¿Tienes preguntas? Tenemos respuestas:

Can I take this if I am trying to conceive or am breastfeeding?

Yes! Our Pregnancy Multinutrient provides the finest 27 naturally sourced vitamins and minerals for you and your baby for every step before, during and after your pregnancy, including Choline, Folic Acid, Vitamin D3 and Magnesium. 

When is the best time to take the Pregnancy Multinutrient?

It's important to take two capsules daily, however, there isn't a right or wrong time to take them during the day. Ideally, take your two capsules with or after food and you can take your two capsules together or separately, in the mornings or evenings.

Can I take this if I'm breastfeeding?

Yes, our Pregnancy Multinutrient is formulated to provide the essential nutrients for you and your baby during breastfeeding. Our Pregnancy Multinutrient fills any nutritional gaps in your diet, ensuring your passing the optimal nutrients to your baby during breastfeeding.

Where are DR.VEGAN® supplements made?

DR.VEGAN® is a proudly British company, working with the finest nutritionists, scientists and experts to develop the most effective, naturally sourced and plant-based supplements to support your health goals. All our supplements are made in the UK, and because we're passionate about the environment, they're all delivered through your letterbox in sustainable packaging.

Our expert nutritionists also provide free advice and you can email them if you have any questions at, or complete your free online Diet Profile in just 3 minutes to find out the nutrients your diet provides and what it doesn't.

Why is Omega 3 good for you?

Omega 3 fats are particularly beneficial for heart health, brain function and eye health. Learn more in 'What is Omega 3 and what is it good for?'.

Does your vegan omega 3 source come from fish?

Our Vegan Omega 3 is made up of 1000mg algae oil which provides 550mg of Omega 3, 300mg DHA and 150mg EPA per serving.  This supports your brain, heart and eye health. Free of toxins and pollutants found in fish oil, and including Vitamin E, our high strength Vegan Omega 3 is ethically and sustainably sourced to support your optimal health every day.

You may find this article useful. It is written by our nutritionists on the benefits of Omega 3.

How much EPA and DHA is in DR.VEGAN® Vegan Omega 3?

Our Vegan Omega 3 is made up of 1000mg algae oil which provides 550mg of Omega 3, 300mg DHA and 150mg EPA per serving. This supports your brain, heart and eye health. Free of toxins and pollutants found in fish oil, and including Vitamin E, our high strength Vegan Omega 3 is ethically and sustainably sourced to support your optimal health every day.

You may find this article useful. It is written by our nutritionists on the benefits of Omega 3.

How many omega 3 can I take?

Our Vegan Omega 3 is made up of 1000mg algae oil which provides 550mg of Omega 3, 300mg EPA and 150mg DHA per serving. The official recommendation for Omega 3 daily consumption is 250mg per day of combined EPA and DHA.  However, algae oil has a higher DHA content which is why our supplement has 300mg DHA and 150mg EPA. 

A registered nutritional therapist may prescribe a higher dose of Omega 3 as a therapeutic dose short term but it is never wise to increase the dosage of any supplements without consulting a doctor.

How is animal Omega 3 sourced and how is vegan Omega 3 different?

Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and the most common animal sources are oily fish such as mackerel, salmon and trout. All fish get their Omega 3 from the algae they eat in the oceans, so hundreds of millions - if not billions - of fish are killed each year around the world for animal-based Omega 3 supplements.

Our Vegan Omega 3 is derived directly from algae, which is not only good for you, it doesn't have a fishy smell or turn rancid as fish-derived Omega 3 can do. And because our vegan Omega 3 spares hundreds of millions of fish being killed, it is better for the environment. Better me. Better planet.

How much DHA and EPA is in Omega 3?

Based on dietary choices, most people should be taking an Omega 3 supplement, given how important Omega 3 is to our brain, heart and vision health, and much more.

There are a number of important considerations when choosing an omega 3 supplement, and one of them is the DHA and EPA content. EPA ('Eicosapentaenoic acid') and DHA ('Docosahexaenoic acid') are the all-important long-chain Omega 3 fatty acids.

There should be a 2:1 ratio of DHA:EPA in an Omega 3 supplement. For example, if it contains 100mg DHA, it should have at least 50mg EPA. Our best-selling vegan Omega 3 is sustainably sourced from algae, without damaging marine ecosystems, and contains 1,000mg of Omega Algae Oil, which provides 300mg DHA and 150mg EPA.

How do I get Choline in my diet?

The best dietary sources of Choline are eggs, along with beef, fish and poultry, so it is challenging to gain sufficient levels of Choline on a plant-based diet. Learn more about the benefits of Choline and where to find it in your diet.

There are some good sources of Choline in vegan and plant-based diets including tofu, broccoli, mushrooms, spinach, wheat and even peanut butter. However few sources match the level of Choline in eggs, so Choline is very commonly taken as a supplement by people who follow a vegan diet and those looking to protect and support their brain and liver health.

Can I take Choline if I'm pregnant?

Yes. Choline is an important nutrient during pregnancy, so it is recommended when pregnant and is also included in our our Pregnancy Multinutrient.

When is the best time to take Choline?

Take your two capsules each day, ideally with food although this isn't essential.

You can take your two capsules together or separately. Taking two capsules a day ensures you’re getting the essential nutrients vital for supporting your brain's performance, energy, and maintaining normal liver function, including transporting fats away from your liver.


Descubra los nutrientes que su cuerpo necesita y lo que le puede faltar con nuestro Perfil Dietético gratuito.

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Todos nuestros productos no contienen aditivos desagradables y están certificados como compostables en casa.

Al ofrecerles a los clientes una opción de suplemento sustentable y sin plástico, ayudamos a evitar que más de 20 toneladas de plástico ingresen a los vertederos.

Escuche a nuestros expertos nutricionistas

Nutritionist advice for a healthy pregnancy

What all mothers should know about diet during each trimester of pregnancy and breastfeeding... Our expert nutritionist provides her top nutrition tips for pregnancy. Including Choline, Omega 3, Magnesium and Iron.

The benefits of Choline and where to find it

Learn what choline is and does, the health benefits of choline, how much choline you need and the best food sources of choline.

Is it okay to go plant-based whilst pregnant?

So, is a plant-based diet safe to follow during pregnancy? Yes! It is absolutely possible and perfectly safe as long as you pay special attention to your meals to ensure you get an adequate amount of the collection of nutrients needed for a healthy pregnancy.

Una guía para la nutrición posparto.

Discover the best and worst foods for postpartum recovery.

Create your free Diet Profile

Low on energy? Struggling to concentrate? You may be missing out on essential nutrients your body needs every day. Create your Diet Profile and discover the nutrients your body needs and nutritionist-recommended foods and supplements to help you achieve it.

What is Omega 3 good for?

Omega 3 is a type of fat needed for every cell in the body and is one of the most important nutrients your body needs. The body cannot make omega 3 fats and therefore relies on getting it from your diet or omega 3 supplements.



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