Why our Vitamin D3 is so good?

Our plant-based Vitamin D3 is sourced from green algae that provides the most effective and absorbable form of Vitamin D3. Unlike standard Vitamin D supplements, which are made from sheep's wool, our Vitamin D3 is highly absorbable, with zero nasty additives, providing you with essential support for your bones, teeth and immunity every day.

How to take it?

  • Take one capsule per day.
  • You can take your Vitamin D3 at any time of day which is most convenient for you.
easy to swallow
kind on stomach

How it works?

Our plant-based Vitamin D3 is sourced from green algae that provides more effective D3, making it better for you and our planet.

Unlike standard Vitamin D supplements, which are made from sheep's wool, our Vitamin D3 is highly absorbable, with zero nasty additives, providing you with essential support for your bones, teeth and immunity every day.


Vitamin D3 helps regulate your immune system so it is not under or over-functioning which can otherwise cause frequent illnesses.

Bone Health

Vitamin D3 is essential for your bone health because it is required for your body to absorb Calcium and taking it into your bones.

Heart Health

Studies show that people with lower levels of Vitamin D3 have a higher risk of cardiovascular disease.

Frequent colds, muscle and joint aches, feeling fatigued, depression, slow healing of wounds and other symptoms can all be signs of a deficiency in Vitamin D3.

Learn more from our nutritionists' in 'Why Vitamin D3 is so important' and 'How do I know if I'm deficient in Vitamin D?'.

Vitamin D3 in foods

While they are very unlikely to provide sufficient levels of Vitamin D, you can add Vitamin D to your diet.

Good food sources of Vitamin D include oily fish such as salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring, trout and tuna.

Mushrooms and egg yolks are also good sources, and you will find some foods are fortified with Vitamin D (which means Vitamin D has been added to them) such as bread.

If you aren't sure if you are getting enough Vitamin D, look out for these common signs of Vitamin D deficiencies.

Hear from our expert nutritionists