8 immunity boosting foods

Winter is usually the time when people experience colds, flu and other infections. Our nutritionists explain the common vitamin deficiencies during the colder months to look out for, why they're important, and the best immune boosting foods to help fend off illness.
How to boost your immune system
Falls in temperature and longer nights can both have a negative affect on the immune system. Believe it or not, ultra-violet light from the sun has disinfectant properties and can kill bacteria, and the lack of sun in the winter increases our exposure to bacteria, at a time when our immune systems are at their weakest. Read the science of staying infection-free by Immunologist Dr. Jenna Macciochi.
Prioritising health is essential in the winter months. Keeping stress at a minimum is important because stress reduces the function of your immune system. Winter parties can be stressful so ensure you take some time out for yourself. Making time for gentle exercise and self-care is important to help with the management of stress and anxiety, and maintaining the function of your immune system.
Winter parties also bring plenty of sugar. All those desserts, sweets and treats damage more than your waistline. The immune system becomes compromised with each insulin spike, so sugary snacking is bad news. Try to keep sugary foods and drinks to a minimum, and if you do consume them, have them as part of a main meal. You may enjoy '10 symptoms of diabetes to look out for'.
Vitamin deficiencies during winter
Winter poses a few risk factors for nutrient deficiencies which can easily be avoided with the right knowledge, diet and supplements. Infections usually only occur in individuals who do not provide their body with what it needs, so winter is a common time to take immune-boosting supplements.
Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is the most common vitamin deficiency during winter. The body requires direct sunlight on the skin to synthesise Vitamin D. The limited and weak sunlight in the winter makes this very hard on the body, and as a result, sub-optimal levels and deficiency can occur. Some people are lucky and they can store Vitamin D made in the summer, which will see them through some of the winter, however, most individuals have a limited ability to store Vitamin D, making a Vitamin D supplement during the winter essential. Discover the signs to look out for in 'How to tell if you're deficient in Vitamin D'.
Daily Multi-Vitamin

Plant-based food sources of Vitamin D are very limited - the only real source is mushrooms, however, the level of Vitamin D in mushrooms is not enough to be your only source of Vitamin D.
Vitamin D regulates the immune system and inflammatory response in the body. The immune cells require Vitamin D for their function and regulation, so a deficiency in Vitamin D can leave you vulnerable to infections.
Vitamin D is found in large quantities in a patch of tissue called the 'GALT', which is also where certain immune cells are housed. Taking a Vitamin D supplement is recommended in the autumn and winter months when the level in your body starts to drop. 2500 IU of Vitamin D3 is an excellent maintenance dose for the winter months and will prevent a drop in Vitamin D levels and help to preserve the function of the immune system. Learn more about 'Why Vitamin D is so important'.
Vitamin C
A second common vitamin deficiency in the winter is Vitamin C. Vitamin C is sensitive to heat, so the reduction in raw foods we consume in the winter - and the increase in cooked foods - reduces our intake of Vitamin C. Sugar decreases the absorption of Vitamin C in the gut, so the additional sugar typically consumed during the winter reduces Vitamin C levels in the body further.
Immunity Bundle

The body’s requirement of Vitamin C also increases in times of stress. Vitamin C is released by the adrenal glands alongside stress hormones, so chronic stress can reduce the level of Vitamin C in the body. Learn more about the 6 big signs of stress.
Vitamin C is used as a free-radical scavenger by your immune cells. Some immune cells release toxins to destroy bacteria, other virally infected cells and debris in the body. Your immune cells need Vitamin C to protect them from their own toxins. In times of illness, the body requires larger levels of Vitamin C, so if you do find yourself ill, make sure you take additional Vitamin C to help your immune system fight back.
During the winter months it is beneficial to ensure your body is stocked up on a range of nutrients. Zinc is especially important for helping the immune system fight viruses such as colds, flu and cold sores. Zinc works in balance with Copper, so taking them together in the form of a Daily Multivitamin supplement is advisable.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is another nutrient that is often overlooked, yet essential for the immune system. A Vitamin A deficiency, or excess of Vitamin A, can both cause problems for the immune system. As such, taking Vitamin A within a multi nutrient formula, where it works in balance with other nutrients, is a great way to ensure you are getting the right level.
Best immune boosting foods
Here are 8 immune boosting foods to reach for:
1. Sweet potatoes
There is nothing as good as a sweet potato and white bean stew to come home to, or sweet potato fritters. Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta carotene – an antioxidant which helps the body fight off colds and flu. The longer the sweet potato is cooked, the more biologically active the beta carotene becomes. Try them in a slow cooker for a warm winter wonder.
Try our Sweet Potato Fritters recipe.
Discover Stay Calm® formula today.
2. Ginger
Ginger contains a substance called 'gingerol' which has wonderful anti-microbial effects and has an anti-inflammatory action in the body. There are few better places to start your day than a warm ginger tea. For a double dose of goodness, add a slice of lemon too. Or try our Gingerbread cookies recipe.
3. Black aged garlic
Black garlic is a fairly unusual cooking ingredient, yet it has amazing immune boosting properties. Black garlic is left to age, and the allicin breaks down into sulphur amino acid compounds which provide potent power for the immune system. Black aged garlic is particularly good at aiding in the fight against viruses.
4. Elderberry
An elderberry pie is the ultimate immune boosting dessert. Elderberries are rich in antioxidants and for this reason it is used in many over-the-counter cough and flu medicines. Elderberries are a little tart on the tongue though, but be careful if adding sugar, as that could be counterproductive!
5. Sauerkraut
Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage and is a delicious addition to any meal. The probiotics that grow during the fermenting process are excellent for the immune and digestive system. Learn more in our article 'What are probiotics'.
70% of your immune system originates from your gut, so taking time to look after it with probiotics and fibre like the ones in sauerkraut is a great place to start on you immune boosting journey. Sauerkraut is also one of 7 best foods to help you debloat.
6. Coconut
Coconut contains substances called 'lauric acid' and 'capric acid' which convert into monolaurin in the body. Monolaurin is a substance which helps to fight viruses and bacteria, including flu and herpes viruses. Vegan coconut cauliflower cheese anyone?
7. Turmeric
A great way of adding Turmeric to your diet is Dhal - the Indian way of slow cooking pulses and lentils. Turmeric contains the compound Curcumin which is an anti-inflammatory agent.
Reducing chronic inflammation in the body allows the immune system to focus its attention on microbes that may otherwise make you ill. The great thing about Dhal is that it contains so many other immune supporting foods, so it's a wonderful way to warm you up from the inside.
Learn more in our article 5 benefits of Turmeric.
8. Kale
Kale makes excellent chips and is a perfect snack or side dish. Kale is bursting with antioxidants and Vitamin E which help the immune system to stay strong. Vitamin E is the main antioxidant in human blood plasma and getting enough is essential to keep you strong.
Find more fabulous recipes here.
Discover our range of vegan supplements for immune health.
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